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Paying for Gas Just Got Easier

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In Brief

Smart contract wallets introduce a new, transformative concept, simplifying the gas payment process and giving users more flexibility in how and when they choose to pay for gas.

Paying for Gas Just Got Easier


It's a scenario we've all grown accustomed to: sending tokens over a network means parting with a "gas fee" that is in a different token than the one you are using. That means you need to have both the token you want to send, for example; $TWT as well as the separate gas token just to pay for the gas $BNB.

Trust Wallet Swift however, is transforming this cumbersome process, adding a layer of simplicity and granting users greater freedom in how and when they pay for gas. This means that transaction fees with tokens stored in your wallet could be paid using another token, such as USDT or USDC. How does this work? Essentially, a paymaster equipped with ETH covers your transaction costs upfront. This paves the way for much easier interactions with dApps, including having a dApp pay for your gas, and fewer steps for transactions overall.

Below is an example of paying for gas with 200+ types of tokens in a token transfer:

1. Send 0.1 DAI Token to Wallet A address → Click on “Next”


2. Click on Gas Token icon to select gas token


3. Choose your preferred gas token from the available gas token list

If your token is listed in the “Unavailable” section, it’s because:


4. The gas token has changed to TWT and once you click “Confirm” the gas will be paid with TWT token


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Note: Any cited numbers, figures, or illustrations are reported at the time of writing, and are subject to change.

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