Stake your crypto

& earn rewards in

just a few steps
By staking your crypto, you’re not just growing your portfolio, but also helping secure blockchain networks for everyone.
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Potential earnings from current APR*
Daily Earnings
+ 0 ETH
Monthly Earnings
+ 0 ETH
Yearly Earnings
+ 0 ETH
25+ in-wallet staking options*
- Smart ChainAPR 2.75%
- SolanaAPR 4.87%
- PolkadotAPR 14.76%
- CosmosAPR 15.23%
- EthereumAPR 3.56%
- TronAPR 5.06%
- NativeInjectiveAPR 13.6%
- NEARAPR 7.51%
- SuiAPR 2.8%
- OsmosisAPR 9.59%
- Terra ClassicAPR 15%
- NativeZetaChainAPR 5.61%
- CardanoAPR 4.69%
- NativeEvmosAPR 0.83%
- StargazeAPR 23.11%
- CryptoOrgAPR 8.27%
- KavaAPR 8.04%
- KusamaAPR 15.49%
- StrideAPR 1.47%
- TezosAPR 7.27%
- JunoAPR 20.64%
- AkashAPR 15.83%
- AgoricAPR 0%
- AxelarAPR 7.02%
- SeiAPR 4.04%
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